Saturday, October 23, 2010

New Professional Gig

I graduated in August of this year and last week was offered a web services librarian job in a new city . I begin my adventures in librarianship next month! I love the thrill of the unknown and I’m excited by new challenges and new people. Also it wouldn’t hurt to leave the past behind me, even if it’s just two hours away. I look forward to developing my abilities and providing “fresh blood” to the university that I will join.

I’m intrigued with both mobile apps and making websites accessible to mobile devices. I’m on the prowl for opportunities and places online to learn this. So far, I've been led to through a professional library association's listserv. I’ve got a serious learning curve to cover, personally, in learning JavaScript, being updated on HTML5, and being brought up to speed at my new job…so first things first! Also, at a recent conference, I met the President of a local Mobile Apps development company who forwarded me the link to a mobile apps development group online…but they’re rather too advanced for a newbie like me.

It would be cool to create a lab of some sort to create library apps like other larger universities do…but for me, on a much smaller, experimental and entrepreneurial scale. I think the most inspirational quote recently came from young entrepreneur Matt Mickiewicz, "People who say it takes money to make money are using the worst excuse ever. . . Create massive value for others by providing a solution where no other exists."


s said...

hey - i haven't checked it out yet (it's in my rainy day file) but google's got a mobile app inventor tool for those of us that are techno-curious, but don't have the heavy programming chops:

Also - I've heard that the apple platform is not impossible to use, even without heavy programming experience. again, i haven't used either (yet!) but have "build apps" on my to-do list for next year, so will be diving in. weee!

s said...

btw, S as in shelly. :-)